When choosing a medical canvassing provider it is important that you choose a partner whom is well-versed in both the legal and regulatory environments they operate.
When choosing a medical canvassing provider it is important that you choose a partner whom is well-versed in both the legal and regulatory environments they operate.
When choosing a medical canvassing provider it is important that you choose a partner whom is well-versed in both the legal and regulatory environments they operate.
These are unprecedented times and the effects of mandatory business closures, shelter-in-place orders, and unexpected unemployment have yet to be seen.
INTERTEL is closely monitoring developments related to COVID-19, including information and guidance published by the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control.
It seems that every week we hear about yet another data breach where people’s personal data has been compromised. Security of information has never been as important or as mainstream as it is today and should be of the utmost importance whenever choosing a medical canvassing partner.
Insurance is all about mitigating risk. Regardless of what is being covered, a person or property, the company is partially assuming the risk that something wrong may happen.
Last week, INTERTEL’s Nathan Hessel attended the Eastern Claims Conference in Boston, MA. ECC is an excellent conference for the Disability and Life Insurance Industry, which made it a prime event to showcase the PRE-EX Canvassing Program.